If payment for your previous charging session failed then you will be unable to charge on char.gy charge points until this payment has been processed. You will receive an email straight after your charging session has finished with information about the charging session and a link to pay for the failed payment. You will also be able to see and pay this outstanding payment in your Charge History section when logged in to your account on your browser via this link:

Please click on Pay Invoice which will load the invoice from Stripe for you to pay.

Please ensure that you have funds on your chosen saved card before you attempt to pay the outstanding invoice or if you need to update the saved card on your account then please follow the guide linked here. To ensure a smoother charging experience for yourself going forwards, please make sure the card stored on your account is the card you want to pay with, and please make sure there are sufficient funds in your bank account before your charging session starts. 

If you cannot see an outstanding payment or have any further billing issues then please email us on [email protected] or call us on 0800 086 9606 Option 2. Please call us on 0800 086 9606 (Option 1) if you're at a charge point and unable to start a charge.